Sunday 4 September 2011

Busy Busy Busy


OK I have SO much to write about…I literally have been more active this week than I have been in the last 2 months combined. So im not sure how to organize this post and its stressing me out so im just going to do it by day….                 

Tuesday: I was in class all day and it sucked.

Wednesday: I had a meeting with my internship advisor, John. He seems to have his own idea as far as my career path so we will see what he has planned for me. He “found” this new PR company that is just now starting up and “not that professional”…which he thinks I would enjoy more than a corporate internship. Thanks John?? Anyway, I still have NO clue what the company does and the only criteria they gave me (literally) was the following: 
- Don’t take yourself too seriously
- Don’t take life too seriously
- Be a digital native
- Likes to have fun
- works hard. Plays hard.

…So that’s going to be a great internship.

So after that I had class from 5:30-8:30…so Ishtar and I were dying of boredom and so we walked about a mile towards the harbor just to go get Starbucks. Amazing choice!! Then we met up with Joe at a bar and played endless amounts of pool (Im getting really good)! Oh, I also sent about 20 postcards home…they cost about 15 million dollars so if you get one, please treasure it!!
Beating Joe in pool at the corner bar
Thursday was a great day! I got to sleep in and then we went on a field trip to the  movies to see this ADORABLE new Australian movie called “red dog.” Kind of like their version of “Lassie” but a lot better. Complete tear-jerker but sooo amazing!

Thursdays are our like big going out nights so after we got out of class we went out to this really cool rooftop bar on top of a hotel that over-looked the Opera house with a bunch of BU people.
Peter and I at the rooftop bar
Ishtar and I at the rooftop bar with the Opera house in the background!! :)
After that we walked down to the harbor and got a drink at this bar called “cruise” that is right on the water...Ishtar and I found these two guys that were super hot and we were like staring them down all night and of course they ended up making out..with each other. Turns out the bar is a gay, salsa-dancing bar. SO we had another drink and headed to McDonalds and called it a night.
On Friday, Ishtar and I left my apartment and went shopping/to eat lunch in the city and ended up staying down there all afternoon..and for dinner...and a movie. So we were legit gone from noon to 10pm doing things downtown…but it was a very fun day! She got a great pair of boots and I bought two amazing size XXL t-shirts! There is this store called "T-bar" that sells only t-shirts and they have every size, shape, color, and animal. Its my dream store. America: you need one. 
"T-Bar"(aka favorite store)
A bad picture of downtown Sydney(shopping area)
At a DELICIOUS asian restaurant called "Spicy Chilli" (mom you would love it!!)
Saturday, we woke up and went to the zoo (with Pascal)! Pascal sported a white fedora and skate shoes adorned with colorful laces!!
My friend Joe and Pascal on the way to the zoo!! 
The zoo here is SO unbelievable. First off, the views are insane. You take a ferry there so you when you get there you have a PERFECT view of the whole harbor and the city (with the bridge and the opera house). It was the best weather too so the sky was super blue and there zoo was so green (that sentence sounds dumb but its true). Secondly, the animals are INSANE. I met every species…Baxter you would have died!! I got sooo many amazing pictures and named all my favorite animals! We walked around the zoo for about 2 hours and got lunch and went on this awesome gondola ride over the harbor!  

Ishtar's stare-down with the emu (emu won)

Notice the buckteeth on the middle kangaroo : )

Pygmy hippos (1/4th the size of actual hippos)- one of my favorite new animals
Hilarious Meerkat chillin against the wall
Stubborn ape
See any resemblance....??
Stubborn baby Sophie

Giraffes eating and enjoying the view of Sydney 
Most beautiful city in the world 
Koala bear :)
I also met an adorable old man on the ferry ride home :)
Nice old man I met on the ferry

Saturday night was a lot of fun too…we ended up going out as a huge group again to this karaoke bar called “Broadway Lounge.” I lost my second $25 phone somewhere between 9pm-1am….so I have to deal with that today... As everyone was going from one bar to another I decided I wanted to find something to eat and go to bed...
Midnight snack in the lobby I ventured home alone and realized I lost my phone and my swiper key to get in my room SOOOO I made best friends with the security man, Harmeet (or Harry). He moved to Sydney from a small village outside Mumbai in 1992…nicest man EVER.

We exchanged life stories and shared my fries and his headphones and watched “Slumdog Millionaire” with sub-titles for about an hour and a half until my roommates walked in around 2am and let me in my room. It was a successful evening for sure.
Harmeet and I 
Sunday,  I woke around 2pm and had breakfast/lunch/dinner and went to a rugby game. I didn’t like it that much and the sport is too confusing and their thighs are weirdly massive.
Julian and Ishtar at the rugby game
Ok, so that about does it for me for this week!! Unfortunately I have some school work due this week so I will have to actually work. However, our friends from surf camp (the ones im in love with) are coming into Sydney for a few days so we are going out with them (hopefully)! SO I will keep you updated on those adventures! 

Miss you all!! Xo, Bess

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