Tuesday 25 October 2011

THE Internship begins....

SO the first 7 weeks of my program consisted of the following:
- sleeping in 
- going out at night
- 2 easy classes
- weekend adventures
- wearing only XXL t-shirts and running shorts (comfort, not running)
- sleeping in some more

SO after that AMAZING first 7 weeks + an unforgettable spring break....comes the second 7 weeks (aka internships).

The second 7 weeks consist of the following:
- waking up at 7am
- putting on structured clothing (leads to sweating)
- having a rushed breakfast (leads to sweating)
- taking the subway downtown (leads to extreme sweating + claustrophobia)
- working at a desk from 8:30-5:00 Tuesday-Friday
- coming home and going to bed by 9pm
- enjoying/taking advantage of every last waking minute of your weekends

Oh and I am working at a small PR agency downtown called “Reputation”.... 

I woke up at 7am and showered and got dressed in my blazer/flats (absolute worst form of clothing) and took the subway and went to Starbucks and felt like such an **urban** adult…I navigated the subway systems like a real champ. It was post-subway ride that really gave me a problem......
I immediately got lost and started sweating even more...which led to a mild panic attack...which led to more sweating. One big horrible cycle. 

(PS-My internship is on "Erskine St."...woooo Uncle Erskine!! Crazy, huh?!)

Thanks to a very strange/helpful man, I finally found my office 25 min later. The first thing they did was offer me coffee. Due to my panic attack and flustered state of mind, I VERY dumbly responded, “sure I would love some!” No idea why I said that. I didn’t want it at all. I hate coffee. The only thing I wanted was an ice bath (and possibly some cocoa pebbles). SO, I forced half of it down my throat like a polite person (I threw the rest of it out in the toilet) and as a result of the horrible taste and extreme heat of the coffee, I didn’t fully stop sweating until about 10:27am. 

Rough start, but overall, the day went a lot better than I thought. My boss is named “T-H” and she is really cool. She has three kids and “likes to have a lot of fun,” according to the other interns. She is kind of scary though…but I think I am really going to like her. I went to lunch with the two younger interns/employees (both 20) and had some great pasta. They both had multiple glasses of wine/beer with lunch, which I found quite hilarious. Also, we get an hour and a half for lunch so that’s great. : ) 

So yeah, I am exhausted and I really don’t think I am cut out for the 9-5 workplace/public transportation/structured business clothing every single day (aka 4 days a week). However, I think I will like my internship overall so keep your fingers crossed!

Obviously and fortunately for you 4 loyal readers out there, I will not be updating yall on my internship/my personal sweating issues on a daily basis. There are a few fun things coming up like "Melbourne Cup" day and a music festival im going to that I will post about later...but until then, hope everyone is doing well and has a great week!! Miss you!!

xoxo, Bess

PS- Thanks mom for the lesbian/powerful women-themed package with magazines featuring Oprah, Ellen and Rosie O’Donnell on the cover. MISS YOU!! LOVE YOU!! 

1 comment:

  1. I find your posts to be quite enjoyable. I am glad you are taking full advantage of your time abroad.
