Friday 19 August 2011


This is the first time I have had free time since I landed a few days ago so I thought I would start my blog!! woooo

Ok so I got here 3 (4? 5?) days ago and had a huge mishap within 20 milliseconds of getting off the plane. I know I exaggerate a lot but I swear this is what happened…

So my Qantas flight from LA to Sydney was cancelled and I was put on a “V Australia” flight instead. The flight was awesome and I watched Khloe and Lamar and Water for Elephants and it was a really great experience. Highly recommend that weird airline. Also the flight attendants looked like they jumped off the set of Mad Men (another highly recommended past time).

Anyway, I get to Sydney and get off the plane, grab my two HUGE overweight bags and I am looking for someone to pick me up and there is nobody. Like nobody waiting for me anywhere…(Sophie/Kingsley, you would have died). It was very scary and I felt horrible for myself. So after I have a (pretty long) panic attack in the bathroom with my two huge bags with me (so glad I will never see those strangers again), I decide to get in a cab and ask to be dropped off at “Sydney Uni.” They ask me which campus and I again freak out and just say, “the main one.”
Soooo 70$ later, I get dropped off (still with my two huge bags) in the MIDDLE of Sydney Uni which is in the MIDDLE of downtown Sydney (it would be like getting dropped off outside an NYU building in downtown NYC). I have no phone or anything…so long story short…I eventually find internet (on the 6th floor of a random building…) and beg a stranger to let me use their login info to get on the internet to find my address…blah blah..a few hours later, I end up taking another cab to my apartment and (6am Sydney time, 8pm USA time) I arrive at my apartment. : ) I ended up being the first of 60 people in my program to get here because they had to stop in Fiji/NZ I was actually pretty lucky!

So a few hours after that ordeal I met everyone downstairs for the first part of orientation! If any of you know me well, you know I HATE orientation stuff and bus rides with a bunch of people and crap like that but this orientation started out pretty well.. Got to know my 3 roommates and met some other really cool people! There are 60 people in my BU program and we are all living in one big apartment building in downtown Sydney that is brand new and pretty awesome! I would guess about 40/60 people actually go to BU/are from Boston and others are from random schools, like UNC. The two closest people to me (geographically….) are two Wake Forest dudes (one who was Aladdin at Disney World this summer…like that was his actual job..he is hilarious and the other one is Pauly D’s identical twin from Jersey Shore). Everyone (in my program) thinks I have a huge southern accent which is kind of funny/weird…you should hear their accents…

Anyway, orientation ends today (woo) and my 2 (woo) classes start on Monday. Last night we went on a Sydney Harbor cruise for dinner and “bevvies” which was pretty cool! We saw the Opera house and the bridge and everything..We had bad weather but I still got some great pics!
I am going to “Surf Camp” outside Sydney next weekend.. which I am SO excited about! You should see the instructors….o.m.g. The main instructor came out to the bars with us the other night and thought “all Americans watched Baywatch” and he also noticed that before we ask a question we go up to people and say, “Hey, I have a question..” haha which is kind of true?!  Anyway, he is insanely attractive and I can’t wait for next weekend!

I am trying to stay busy and get over this jet lag still…but I will keep yall updated with everything else I do! I have SO many fun things coming up! For example, the famous Sydney Zoo, camel riding on the beach, going to a show at the opera house, going to a rugby game, dune surfing, swimming with sharks (KINGSLEY!!), bungee jumping, a 4-day trip to Melbourne, scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef, sky diving, etc….so stay tuned for pics!! 

As much fun as I am having/as excited as I am, I still miss you all terribly!! Hope everything is great back home and I will try and update you at least once a week!! Xoxo, Bess 

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